Terms and Conditions


The terms specified in this article have the following meanings for the purposes of these Commercial Terms and Conditions and its Annexes:
Business name: Beautie Bee s.r.o. ( not VAT registered)
The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Trnava, Section: Sro, File No. 38983/T
Registered Office: Helsinská 7055/1, Piešťany, 921 01
Company ID: 50 269 305
Tax ID: 2120264377
Phone: 0908 119 057
E-mail: hello@beautiebee.eu
The Seller is also the operator of the online store www.beautiebee.eu “ (hereinafter also referred to as the “Online Store“).
The Buyer is a natural person who does not act within its business, employment or profession when concluding and performing a consumer contract (hereinafter ale referred to as the “Consumer“).
All products currently offered for sale through the Online Store.


These General Commercial Terms and Conditions apply to distance purchase contracts concluded between the Buyer and the Seller through the Online Store. The purpose of these Commercial Terms and Conditions is to regulate the mutual rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties.
If the Consumer is the Contracting Party, the legal relationship not regulated by these General Commercial Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, Act No. 250/2007 Coll., the Consumer Protection Act, and amending the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll., on Offences, as amended, and Act No. 102/2014 Coll., on Consumer Protection on the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services based on Distance Contracts and Off-Premises Contracts, as amended.
If you would like to order our products as an entrepreneur (e.g. for resale or other commercial use), please contact us in advance at the above contact details. In this case, our mutual legal relationship will be governed by Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, and individually concluded purchase contracts or other contracts.
The supervisory authorities for consumer protection are:
• Slovak Trade Inspectorate, with its registered office in Trnava for the Trnava Region, Pekárska 23, 917 01 Trnava

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in writing at the address of our company’s registered office, by phone at 0908 119 057 during business days (Monday to Friday, from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm) or via e-mail: hello@beautiebee.eu
The provisions of these General Commercial Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the purchase contract.
Communication (including the concluded purchase contract) is in the Slovak language.


Information about the Goods, including its price, description, composition are listed in the Online Store. All prices of the Goods are listed as final prices (our company is not a VAT payer), but does not include the price of delivery of goods. The final price is stated in the order form just before sending the order, along with the fees (packaging, postage) that the consumer must pay to obtain the product. Binding for both parties are the prices valid at the time of sending the order to the Buyer.


The Buyer’s costs associated with the use of distance communication means in connection with the conclusion of the purchase contract. These costs shall be borne by the Buyer.
The buyer chooses the product on the basis of the current offer published in the online store, confirms this selection by clicking on the “Buy” button, fills in the order form (e-mail, in case of purchase of goods delivery address), chooses the number of products (if applicable, specifies the parameters of the product) and chooses the method of payment (payment gateway, bank transfer). All orders made through an online store are binding. When sending the order, the buyer confirms by active click-through that he/she is familiar with and agrees to these terms and conditions.

The proposal for the conclusion of the contract is the location of the offered goods in the online store, the contract arises by sending the order to the buyer and accepting the order by the seller. Without undue delay after processing your order, we will send you an e-mail address at your specified e-mail address, confirmation of receipt of the order (acceptance of the order), which contains the order number, name and specification of the goods, indication of the price of the goods and the cost of delivery (postage), method of payment, indication of the estimated delivery period of the goods, details of the place where the goods are to be delivered, details of the seller or other information. By receiving a confirmation email about the receipt and confirmation of your order, the purchase contract is concluded.
If you have an account with us, your order will also be archived in the My Orders section, which only you can access when you sign in. If necessary, all additional information regarding his order may be sent to the buyer’s e-mail address.

The Contracting Parties agree that communication between them shall take the form of e-mail messages.
The buyer is obliged to pay the seller the price of the goods agreed in the order confirmation, including the cost of delivery of the goods (hereinafter referred to as the “purchase price”) by cashless transfer to the seller’s account, specified in the order confirmation.
The buyer is obliged to pay the seller the purchase price for the agreed goods within the period specified in the order confirmation.
Information about the individual steps leading to the conclusion of the contract results from these terms and conditions and the buyer always has the opportunity to check or correct the order before sending the order. The contract is concluded in the Slovak language, unless this is prevented by circumstances on the part of the seller or the buyer,
The operator together with the goods shall supply the buyer with all relevant documents relating to the goods: invoice ( tax document )
The buyer may cancel the order by e-mail or telephone if it has not been done yet.


Goods that are in stock are shipped the next working day. Goods that are not in stock are always marked with the term “Currently unavailable”.
If the seller and the buyer have agreed otherwise in the purchase contract, we are obliged to fulfill your order and deliver the goods to you within 30 days of receiving the order. If the ordered goods or part of the goods from the order cannot be delivered within the above-mentioned period, we will inform you of this situation as soon as possible and inform you of the expected date of delivery of the goods or suggest delivery of replacement goods.

If we are unable to secure the goods within the additional period, you have the right to withdraw from the contract and in the event of payment of the purchase price or part thereof, the funds will be returned to you within 14 days to the bank account designated by you. We process orders continuously every working day.


6.1 When you order through the Online Store, you have the following payment options for the Goods:
• cashless – using the universal payment method “gpwebpay,,
If you choose payment via the universal method “gpwebpay”, you will be redirected to the their website. The process of filling in credit card data is always executed on the their security payment gateway website. We do not have any access to your credit card data. After redirecting, you will see all details of the payment. Simply fill in the required credit card data and confirm the payment. After payment, you will be redirected back to the Online Store.
In accordance with generally binding legal regulations, we will issue an appropriate invoice for each of your orders.
6.2 We will deliver the Goods to the address you specified in the order (place of delivery). The Goods will be delivered to you via the Carrier. We have the right to change the contracted carrier at any time. You are obliged to take over the delivered Goods (unless specified otherwise below).
The delivery time is five (5) business days and begins from the moment an automated e-mail confirming receipt of the order is sent. The delivery time is considered fulfilled if the Goods are delivered to you on the last day of this specified period. If we cannot deliver the Goods within the specified delivery time, we will inform you of this fact without undue delay.
If the first attempt to deliver the Goods is not successful, the Carrier’s courier will contact you by phone and agree on the next steps with you. If the subsequent attempt to deliver the shipment is also unsuccessful (or if the Carrier’s courier is unsuccessful in contacting you repeatedly), we have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract (due to breach of your obligation to take over the Goods). If you have used the payment using the universal payment method “gpwebpay”, the amount paid will be refunded to you. We would like to inform you that if the delivered Goods are not taken over, we may claim a compensation for damage caused as a result of this action (the damage consists mainly in shipping costs and packaging).
When taking the Goods over from the Carrier’s courier, we recommend that you to check whether the shipment’s package with the Goods and its contents are intact. If any damage to the shipment’s package is evident (or damage to the Goods), you are not obliged to take it over from the courier – in this case we recommend that you to write a damage report with the courier and take a photo if possible.
Failure to follow this procedure may result in an evidentiary examination and possible rejection of your complaint. Please always notify us of a damaged shipment or damaged Goods immediately after learning about this fact.
The Goods are considered delivered at the moment of their receipt by the Buyer at the place of delivery. Ownership of the Goods passes to the Buyer when the purchase price for the ordered Goods is fully paid; if the Buyer pays the entire purchase price for the ordered Goods before its delivery, ownership passes to it by taking the Goods over at the place of delivery.
6.3 The shipping costs for the Goods to any address is 4,50 € the Slovak Republic, 4 € incl. in the Czech Republic, and 10€ internationally.
If you would like to have the Goods delivered to a country other than those listed above, please contact us with your request before ordering the Goods (we will calculate the shipping costs of the Goods and notify you individually).


The warranty period for all sold goods is set statutory warranty period of 24 months and in case of used goods and second-hand goods at least 12 months and it starts to run from the day of takeover of goods by the Buyer.

In a case, that the expiration period is marked at the sold product, at its packing or at the attached user manual for this product, the warranty period shall not expire before the expiry of this period.

Based on the Buyer´s request, the Seller is obliged to provide a warranty in the written form (a warranty certificate). If the nature of goods allows it, it is sufficient to issue a proof of purchase instead of the warranty certificate.
The warranty certificate shall contain the Seller´s identification (name and surname, the business nameor name of the Seller, its seat or place of business), warranty´s content, its extent and conditions, the warranty period and information necessary for the application of the warranty. If warranty certificate does not contain the prescribed essentials, this fact shall not constitute the invalidity of such warranty.
• The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear.
• The warranty does not apply to gifts that you receive for free or winnings from competitions.
• The claim to free warranty repair also ceases:
• by failure to present complete goods including accessories,
• by failure to report any obvious defects during the takeover of the goods,
• upon expiry of the warranty period of the goods,
• by unprofessional and careless treatment or neglect of the care of goods,
• by mechanical damage to the goods caused by the Buyer.
A change of the goods that occurred during the warranty period as a result of their wear and tear, incorrect use or incorrect intervention, cannot be considered to be a defect in particular:
• the defect occurred during the warranty period as a result of wear and tear or incorrect use or insufficient or inappropriate treatment,
• the defect occurred due to natural changes in the materials from which the goods are made,
• the defect occurred as a result of any damage by the Buyer or third party or by other incorrectintervention.


If you wish to cancel your order that has not been processed yet, please contact us as soon as possible and include your order number. If your order has already been paid, we will refund the money no later than14 days to the account from which you paid. In the case of payment by card (VISA, MasterCard), this period may be extended due to the bank’s procedure during refunding card payments.

At the same time, we reserve the right to cancel your order for goods if we are unable to deliver it to you due to unavailability (sold out or withdrawal from the offer) or if we are unable to deliver the goods within the agreed time or price, and/or arranging the goods would cause us disproportionate difficulties and disproportionate expenses in proportion to the value of the goods ordered, unless we agree with you on a replacement performance.
We will notify you of your cancellation by phone or e-mail without undue In the event of payment of the Purchase Price or part thereof, funds will be refunded to you within 14 days to the account from which you paid, unless otherwise agreed.

If, within 14 days of creating the order, the buyer does not pay the amount for the order he pays, he will cancel the unpaid order.


1. The Seller is responsible for defects which the sold goods have during its takeover by the Buyer.
• If the defects can be removed, the Buyer has a right to get it removed properly, free of charge and in a due time. The Seller is obliged to remove the defects without undue The Buyer may demand, instead of removal of defects, to exchange the goods, or if the defects involve only a part of an object, exchange of this part, if it this does not incur unproportioned costs to the Seller with respect to the price of goods and severity of the defect. The Seller may always, instead of defect removal, exchange the defective goods for goods without defects, if it will not cause significant difficulties for the Buyer.
2. In case that the defect cannot be removed, and it prevents the proper usage of goods as the goods without defect, the Buyer shall have a right to exchange the goods or a right to withdraw from the contract. Same rights shall belong to the Buyer, in the case that the defects can be removed, but the Buyer can not properly use the item due to repeated occurrence of defects after the repair or because of a larger number of defects. If the defects cannot be removed, the Buyer shall have a right for an adequate discount from the price of goods.
3.The Seller is obliged to indicate the method of handling the warranty claim immediately, in complex cases within 3 working days the latest, from the day of warranty claim´s submission, in justified cases, especially when a complicated technical evaluation of goods or services condition requires it, within 30 days the latest, from the day of warranty claim´s submission. After the indication of method of handling the warranty claim, the warranty claim shall be handled immediately; in justified cases the warranty claim shall be handled later, however, the handling of a warranty claim may not take longer than 30 days from the day of warranty claim´s submission. After the expiration of period for warranty claim’s handling, the Consumer shall have a right to withdraw from the contract or the right for exchange of the goods for new goods.
• The Seller is obliged to confirm the acceptance of warranty claim immediately and shall provide the Consumer with a receipt. The receipt shall be issued together with a document confirming the handling of warranty claim at the latest.
4. The time period from the exercise of right to liability for defects until the termination of warranty claim proceedings (handover of repaired goods, written invitation to take the performance over or its justified rejection) shall not be included in to the warranty period. In a case of exchange of goods for new goods, the warranty period for new goods starts to run on the day of its take
5. During the warranty claim’s submission by the Consumer during the first 12 months from the purchase, the Seller may handle the warranty claim by rejection only on the basis of an expert opinion, regardless of the expert opinion´s result, it is not possible to require from the Consumer the compensation of costs necessary for the expert´s opinion nor other costs related to expert´s opinion.
6. If a warranty claim is submitted by the Consumer after 12 months from the purchase, and is rejected by the Seller, the Seller is obliged to state in the document on warranty claim handling to whom may the Consumer send the product for expert opinion. If the product is sent to expert opinion to determined person, costs of expert opinion as well as all other related costs shall by borne by the Seller regardless of the result of the expert opinion. If the Consumer proves by an expert opinion that the Seller is responsible for the defect, it may submit the warranty claim again. The warranty period does not run during the time of performance of expert opinion. The Seller is obliged to pay the Consumer within 14 days from the day of submission of the warranty claim all related costs reasonably incurred to it. Such a warranty claim shall not be rejected.
7. The Buyer will be informed about the result of warranty claim immediately after the termination of the warranty claim proceedings by phone and at the same time warranty claim protocol (proof of warranty claim handling) will be delivered to it by e-mail or by registered post. The document of warranty claim´s handling does not have to be delivered, if the Consumer can prove the submission of warranty claim in a different way.
9. In a case of warranty claim submission, the Consumer shall inform the Seller about the warranty claim´s submission via e-mail (in order to achieve the quickest handling of warranty claim) and shall send the goods, packed in a package suitable for shipment together with a description of defect and a copy of purchase document (eventually also with a warranty certificate, if issued) to the Seller’s address:
Beautie Bee s.r.o
Helsinská 7055/1, 92101 Piešťany
e-mail: hello@beautiebee.eu

• The Buyer is entitled to a compensation of inevitable costs which originated in relation to the enforcement of rights to liability for defects.
• If the Consumer is not satisfied with the way in which its warranty claim has been handled by the Seller, or if it is of an opinion that the Seller has violated its rights, the Buyer may address the Seller with a request for remedy. If the Seller rejects such a request or does not respond it at all within 30 days of its submission, the Consumer has a right to file a proposal for an alternative dispute resolution according to 12 of the Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Resolution of Consumer’s Disputes and on amendment and supplement to certain acts.
10. Alternative disputes resolution may only be used by a Consumer (natural person), who when concluding and performing a consumer contract, does not act within the scope of its business, employment or profession. Alternative dispute resolution concerns only a dispute between a Consumer and a Seller with a value of more than 20 Euro resulting from a distance consumer contract.
11. The subject of alternative disputes resolution pursuant to 3 of the Act No. 391/2015 Coll. may charge you a fee of up to € 5 with VAT to initiate a dispute resolution. You may submit a proposal in the manner specified pursuant to § 12 of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. or by clicking on this websitehttps://www.soi.sk/sk/alternativne-riesenie-spotrebitelskych-sporov/formular-pre-podanie-navrhu-na-zacatie-ars.soi.
12. The Consumer may use the on-line platform of dispute resolution available on the websitehttps://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage for the submission of the proposal for an alternative dispute re
13. The relevant subject to alternative resolution of Consumer’s disputes with the Seller Beautie Bee s.r.o. is the Slovak Trade Inspection
STI Inspectorate with the seat in Trnava for Trnava Region Pekárska 23, 917 01 Trnava 1
phone number: +421335512689
e-mail: tt@soi.sk
or other relevant authorised legal person registered in the list of subjects of alternative dispute resolution maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (list is available at http://www.mhsr.sk)


  1. The Customer has a right to withdraw from the contract without stating the reason within 14 days from the day of takeover of the goods according to §7 of the Act N 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection in sale of goods or provision of services based on a distance contract, or a contract concluded outside operational premises of the Seller and on amendment and supplement to certain acts as amended. If the goods were delivered separately within the same order, the withdrawal period shall run from the moment of takeover of the last goods delivered.
  2. If the delivery of goods constitutes a subject of contract, the Consumer shall have a right to withdraw from the contract before the delivery of goods. If the Customer withdraws from the contract, any additional contract connected with it is also cancelled.
  3. In accordance with prov. of § 517 (1) of the Civil Code the Customer may apply the withdrawal in relation to the part of the subject of the contract (if the subject of the contract or binding order was the delivery of some pieces of goods) and in such case the contract is cancelled only in this part.
  4. The Consumer is obliged, if it wishes to exercise this right, to deliver the written withdrawal from the purchase contract personally at the latest on the last day of the specified period to the Seller’s contact address or to submit the withdrawal for postal transport at latest on the last day of period to the address stated in contacts. After the notice of withdrawal, the Consumer is obliged to send or deliver personally the subject of the contract from which it withdraws together with all documentation – e.g. a copy of the invoice, instructions and other documentation for the goods delivered to it together with the goods, but no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal.
  5. We recommend to Buyers to send the goods via registered mail and as insured shipment.
  6. Withdrawal from the contract must be made by the Buyer in writing in a manner that does not cause doubts that the withdrawal of the contract has occurred or in the form of an entry on another durable medium or using the form published on Complaint form (to save click on the image, select “Save file” and then fill in and print it).
  7. Withdrawal from the purchase contract pursuant to the previous point of these Terms and Conditions must contain the information required in the form published on Complaint form in particular the Buyer’s identification, order number and date of the order, the exact specification of the goods, the manner in which the Seller shall return the performance already received, in particular the account number and/or mailing address of the Buyer.
  8. Do not send the goods by cash on delivery method, the goods delivered in such a manner will not be accepted.
  9. The operator of e-shop shall return paid performance for goods/service including costs for transport in line with prov. of § 9 (3) of the Act No. 102/2014 Coll. as well as the costs demonstrably incurred to order the goods within 14 days from the delivery of the withdrawal of the contract, however the it is not obliged to return the money sooner than the goods are delivered to it or until the Consumer proves that the goods were sent. This does not apply in a case that the Seller offered to pick up the goods by itself. During the exercise of its right of withdrawal from the contract the Consumer is entitled to reimbursement of costs for the cheapest delivery method offered by the Seller.
  10. In accordance with § 7 (6) of the Act No. 102/2014 Coll. the Customer may not withdraw from the contract the subject of which is:
  • the sale of goods made according to the Consumer’s special demands, tailor-made goods or goods intended specifically for one Customer.
  1. The Consumer shall bear any deduction of the value of the goods which was caused by its usage beyond what is necessary to ascertain the functionality and characteristics of the goods.


These General Commercial Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the purchase contract concluded between the Seller and Buyer and are binding on both Parties. The legal relationship established by the purchase contract shall be governed by provisions of the purchase contract (i.e. binding order and order confirmation, or the individually agreed conditions), the provisions of these General Commercial Terms and Conditions, and applicable legal regulations. The provisions of the purchase contract take precedence over the provisions of these General Commercial Terms and Conditions and the non-mandatory provisions of generally binding legal regulations. The Seller and the Buyer have agreed that the legal relationship established by the purchase contract which contains an international element shall be governed by the legislation of the Slovak Republic and that the courts of the Slovak Republic shall have jurisdiction over any dispute arising from this legal relationship (without prejudice to the option of initiating an alternative consumer dispute resolution.
The Seller reserves the right to unilaterally amend these General Commercial Terms and Conditions. Any amendments to these General Commercial Terms and Conditions shall become effective on the day of their publication on the website www.beautiebee.eu . A legal relationship arising from the purchase contract shall always be governed by the General Commercial Terms and Conditions effective at the time of the binding order of the Goods.
These Commercial Terms and Conditions are valid and effective from doplniť deň odkedy sa spustí web..
We wish you pleasant shopping experience in our Online Store and many joyful moments with us!